Covid-19: flattening the food insecurity curve

The Covid-19 health crisis and impending world recession are threatening the 2020 agricultural season due to start soon in West Africa, putting the region at a high risk of food insecurity. Vulnerable populations in rural and urban areas may be at a much higher recurrent risk of hunger in a context aggravated by the rising cost of food imports. Resulting social unrest could threaten development outcomes and erase recent progress towards the SDGs in the region. Resolute action is required immediately to curtail these risks by flattening the food insecurity curve. A rapid response initiative is proposed for the Sahel, to support a minimum safety acreage allotment to avoid severe food shortages. This response will include support to producers, food processors and markets in priority value chains of 15 countries to an amount of USD 650 million, covering 1 million hectares and leveraging in excess of USD 2.5 billion from partner banks in countries.

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